Polish Society of Infusion Nursing 

Polish Society of Infusion Nursing

The Polish Society of Infusion Nursing is a registered association established by a decision of the District Court for the City of Warsaw. 

Our organization was founded in 2023 to enhance the quality of services in infusion nursing in Poland.

Statutory objectives, such as:

  • activity for the development of nursing, especially in areas related to vascular access and infusion management,
  • cooperation in determining the direction of development of infusion nursing,
  • activity for improving the quality of care for patients with vascular access and patients receiving therapy with the use of various types of vascular accesses

are described in Chapter II §6 of the Statute and are carried out through educational activities and participation in initiatives to improve the quality of care related to vascular access and infusion management. Detailed forms of task implementation are described in Chapter II §7.

English version of the Statute.

The Society is pleased to cooperate with international partners to promote best practices. We welcome collaboration on educational and scientific projects.

The Polish Society of Infusion Nursing has the International Affiliation of the Infusion Nurses Society.

The Infusion Nurses Society (INS) is an international nonprofit organization representing infusion nurses and other clinicians  who are engaged in the specialty practice of infusion therapy.

The Polish Society of Infusion Nursing collaborates with the Association for Safe Aseptic Practice.

The Association for Safe Aseptic Practice provides this site to support practitioners, healthcare organisations, industry and patients in the education and clinical practice of ANTT®, the world’s most commonly used aseptic technique.

List of Current Officers and Directors

Cadence 2023-2027

Maciej Latos – President of the Board

Jolanta Wołosianka – Vice-President of the Board

Artur Szymczak – Finance Director

Grzegorz Cichowlas – Secretary of the Society

Natalia Sak-Dankosky – Scientific Director

Anna Woda – Public Relations Director

Jakub Dzięciołowski – Member of the Board

Marceli Solecki – Ex-Vice-President of the Board


President of the Board

Dr Maciej Latos


Editor-in-Chief EJIN

Dr Natalia Sak-Danskosky



Agnieszka Lamcha-Chełchowska


We invite you to contact us about organizing joint educational activities: lectures or practical workshops.

We undertake cooperation with universities, academic centers, hospitals, especially, but not only from Central and Eastern European countries, where health care resources are at a similar level.

Contact: maciej.latos@wum.edu.pl

2nd Congress of the Polish Society of Infusion Nursing

The congress, organized by the Polish Society of Infusion Nursing and Evereth Publishing, is a multidisciplinary scientific and training event covering theoretical and practical aspects of vascular access and conducting safe infusion.

The event is an opportunity to learn about current standards and guidelines for the management of patients requiring parenteral therapy, discuss and exchange experiences, and analyze interesting cases together.

Plan your participation in this special event today!

We encourage you to submit abstracts for presentations at the INFUzja 2026 conference. The deadline for submitting papers is March 30, 2026.

We encourage you to submit posters for the poster session. The deadline for submitting posters is March 30, 2026.